Professional Archeological Consulting
Since 1980, P-III Associates has been providing archeological, historical, and anthropological services to private entities, as well as federal, state, local agencies, and tribes. Today, the company provides direct consultation on professional issues in the field of archeology.
In 1980, P-III Associates was established by Alan Schroedl, Ph.D., as a Cultural Resource Management (CRM) consulting firm in Fresno, California. In 1981, P-III Associates, Inc., was incorporated in the state of Utah when the headquarters were transferred to Salt Lake City, Utah. Over the course of 35 years, P-III Associates completed numerous excavation, testing, and inventory projects for archeological, historical, and tribal resources throughout most of the western United States including Alaska. In 2015, P-III Associates transitioned from providing a full range of CRM services to professional archeological consulting only.
Past Projects
P-III Associates conducted many major CRM projects over the years including a multiyear research project for the National Park Service in Canyonlands National Park, several large-scale excavation and ethnographic projects for the Navajo Nation and the Hopi Tribe. Many regional inventories for wildfire rehabilitation projects, covering hundreds of thousands of acres, were conducted in Utah and Nevada. Over the course of more than 20 years, multiple testing and excavation projects were completed on more than 100 open prehistoric sites in north central Neveda in advance of local development activities.
Upon the discontinuation of CRM services, field and laboratory equipment, supplies, and comparative collections were donated to Mesa Verde National Park and Brigham Young University. The 10,000-volume archeological, historical, and anthropological library was donated to the Sherratt Library at Southern Utah University with some volumes going to the Tozzer Library at Harvard University and the Marriott Library at the University of Utah.
Company Reports
P-III Associates' project results have been presented in numerous reports a number of which have been published in formal reports and peer reviewed publications.
List of P-III Associates, Inc. Reports
List of P-III Assocates, Inc. Employees, Subcontractors, Consultants and Volunteers